Review of Rossini Duo for Cello & Double Bass

After getting the Technics tape deck I was anxious to try it out, and play some music.

I now have 2 recorded tapes, one supplied by Jeff Jacobs (sent back with the deck), and the other I bought from UltraAnalogue.

The UltraAnalogue is a master tape duplicate recorded on RMG SM900 tape at +4 dB above 250 nWb/m (used by Tape Project), that is 396 nWb/m. The tape has a recorded 30 sec track of 1 kHz tone behind the leader to help you calibrate your tape machine to 0 VU. Once the tape is spooled and calibrated, your ready to play.

The recording is Rossini Duo for Cello & Double Bass performed by Rachel Mercer, Jeffrey Beecher & Vanessa Lee and recorded at 396nWb/m. I was not sure how the deck would handle the extra head room.

The tape sounds exceptionally good. Extraordinary lows, the double bass and cello are muscular, bass is raspy and the cello melodic. The recordings have captured the timbre, dynamics & nuance’s of the instruments.

Compared to my digital recordings, there is no hint of grain, harshness or compression. I guess that is to be partly expected, because the tape is a duplicate of the master.

It’s an extraordinary tape. Edward Pong has created these recordings from a love of the music and a trust in the medium that well & truly pays off.

Would I buy another of these tapes? Yes in a heart beat. They are expensive, so I will need to be sparing in my buys, and they would not be for everyday use, but if I want the best of the best, then tape goes to the top of my play list (at the moment).
